For all your Remote Aerial Fotography needs

Safety & Trust


In any job or service, we strive to provide the best we possibly can, constantly learning new ways and techniques to improve and make sure our services are the best that they can be. Throughout our careers, we have continuously developed our skills through lots of research and training. This is the approach that our team adopts with drone piloting.

Simply having the ability to pilot a drone does not mean that new skills and techniques cannot be learnt and adopted during our flights. Following the successful completion of a project for a client, we received feedback about the service we provided. The feedback given stated that “…simply having the ability to fly means nothing. Flying safely makes RAF Drones stand out from the rest.”

Prior to each and every flight, our pilots complete a preflight checklist to ensure that the operating conditions are safe, the equipment they are using is safe and the environment is safe to operate in. At the end of a flight, a review is completed noting the issues identified. Click here to see an example of the checklist we use.


Working directly with our clients and not on behalf of agents or sellers, provides peace of mind that you are not being duped into buying a property which needs extensive work regardless of what the advert says. 

Here are some examples that have been shared with us regarding houses that we have surveyed only to find that the description has been embellished.

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